Post for the Week
Ever feel like you are not getting better about your bad habits:
Featured Faith Fragment
During Lent, although the Alleluia and the Gloria are not sung, you will also notice a richer connection between the prayers of the Mass, the Readings, and the reflection on our desperate need for God and not for worldly things. In fact, Sunday readings during Lent include key moments in Salvation History, for example, the First Sunday (Last Week) focused on the Covenant with Noah, baptism, and what the Holy Spirit “drove” Jesus to do for 40 days in the wilderness. Then, during the Eucharistic Preface the Priest prays “By abstaining forty long days from earthly food, he consecrated through his fast the pattern of our Lenten observance and, by overturning all the snares of the ancient serpent, taught us to cast out the leaven of malice, so that, celebrating worthily the Paschal Mystery, we might pass over at last to the eternal paschal feast.” This week’s First Reading is on Abram and God’s covenant with Him.
Website Updates from this Week (1/1/2024-1/1/2024)
Added CCC 536 to Baptism Study
Rearrangement and added Several of the Podcast YouTube Channels
Basic fixes
Phone Wallpapers added:
Minor Revisions: