New Post: If the Shoe Fits, Outgrow It
Why wear an uncomfortable shoe? How do the 12-steps relate to salvation? What constitutes scandalous banter? So many questions to think about!
Post for the Week
New Post: If the Shoe Fits, Outgrow It - Why wear an uncomfortable shoe? How do the 12-steps relate to salvation? What constitutes scandalous banter? So many questions to think about!:
Featured Faith Fragment (Optionally Triple-feature this week)
See what the Video Describes in the Website Updates below, alternatively, consider watching this talk or return to the reflections of the past weeks below fro a quicker faith fragment
Website Updates from this Week (12/15/24-12/21/24, in the course of 2.3 hours):
Addition of Clarifying statements to Research Love to Series on Love: