Love is not "Love"
A sequel to a previous post, a treatise on love, and a rebuttal of the "love is love" campaign/expression of the sexual revolution
Post for the Week
New Post: Love is not "Love" - A sequel to a previous post, a treatise on love, and a rebuttal of the "love is love" campaign/expression of the sexual revolution:
Featured Faith Fragment
USCCB "The marriage covenant, by which a man and a woman form with each other an intimate communion of life and love, has been founded and endowed with its own special laws by the Creator. By its very nature it is ordered to the good of the couple, as well as to the generation and education of children."
This shows that marriage is meant for the mutual good and flourishing of the spouses in all aspects - physical, emotional, spiritual.
Website Updates from this Week (5/5/2024-5/11/2024):
Only Theology of the Body Bible Study Development (to be released hopefully this summer)